Sunday, January 23, 2011

When Cows Get Crazy and Pigs Get Wheezy

Cleansing Mother Earth Naturally of Virulent Human Progeny

Terra Firma, our planet is ill. She seems to have harbored an extremely copious amount of homo sapiens and does not know of an effective way to manage her bulging wasteline! Over the recent centuries (which is relatively not much time for her) she has tried many remedies but the virulent exponential growth of mankind has thwarted all her attempts to get lighter.
Since the beginning of the the eighteenth century there have been multiple attempts to curb the excessive growth of this single species of life. The the land seems to shrink for most forms of life, humans continue to thrive. No matter the extent of adversity, the species has inched its way across all corners of this planet and is threatening to consume the lands buried under the vast oceans to accommodate its unfettered growth.
The Black Plague was the first recent purge resulting in the loss of thousands of human lives. It was a clinical attack to stem the eruption of human ecosystem that consumes every possible natural resource and leaves graves of wastelands unfit for residence by any other kind of life form.
This was followed by an apocalyptical event every hundred years as a cleansing ritual that Gaia initiated, executed, and ended leaving the two legged walkers gasping for breath. Though our spirit broke our hormones raged. Each death wave led to a larger progeny being born.
The 2oth century has been the worst. Mother Earth has accepted the fact that an event every century is not enough to stem the flow. She needed something continuous, something omnipresent, something omnipotent.
So she brought on AIDS, a scourge that weakened the very defense system that the species rely on. This was an immuno-dent we inherited from our closest genetic cousins. It was a cloaked warning that the humans should have heeded to. Instead of evaluating our mortality we grew defiant. We searched for chemistry that impacted our internal cosmology and protected our biology. More than 25 million deaths was not a sign loud enough. We failed to read the neon billboards.
Next the lady of the land gifted us Mad Cow Disease (MCD). This hit our population of infants and toddlers most. Another sign from her to hold back on the growth of a single species. So we killed the cows!
Deeply disturbed with our ecological paralysis she presented us with wave after wave of natural disasters. Typhoons, tornadoes, and tidal waves on the coasts, droughts and bush fires in the vegetation belts, and hurricanes everywhere else. This was no one time warning. Rather a string of events dotting every continent to pock mark the earth.
Were we perturbed? Rather than pay attention to the oracles we were cultivating pigs for stem cell, vein, and organ growth. She needed to react. So the porker became kosher. We were granted swine flu (H1N1). Interestingly enough it takes on where MCD left, affecting adolescents, teens, and youth; sparing the rest of the demography. Thus really impacting those who can or will soon be able to copulate and populate.
What’s next? Gaia is in a hurry. Humans, if you cannot deduce from the signs, historically trend the past! We need to flat line our ever-burgeoning growth. We are looking to reach 7b in the next one year. If it’s children that we love, adopt. But if it’s just about bloodline, there may be none left soon!

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